Kay Andrews-KuhnFeb 20, 2022Tickets on sale I'm super excited to share the following announcement from Lynden Players: "The Lynden Players present Plot and The Plot Thickens, an...
Kay Andrews-KuhnJan 27, 2022Let's get this show on the roadI am thrilled to reveal some exciting news: Lynden Players will be taking one of my shows on the road, performing in different venues...
Kay Andrews-KuhnJul 25, 2021A slice of PondlifeRehearsals are under way for my short play 'Pondlife': a ten minute comedy/drama set in a suburban garden. Bob and Geoff are friends who...
Kay Andrews-KuhnApr 29, 2021New (old) writing 2Above: My dad in 1989 with my daughter Hannah I found this poem in my creative writing folder from 2009. My dad died the previous year,...
Kay Andrews-KuhnApr 28, 2021New (old) writingThis week I found a folder from a creative writing workshop I attended in 2009 while I was studying for my degree. This was pre-Hood and...