My first foray into writing and directing a show for my village drama society was in 2015. Hood-The Panto was a great success ( oh, yes it was) and one of the best things that I have ever done, but I regret not recording more of the 'journey' ( cue schmaltzy background music triggered by the dreaded 'J' word).
I *may* have said "never again" after Hood, but no-one believed me so here we go with the comic caper that I have called CAMP; a show packed with laughs, songs, romance, mystery and nostalgia which is completely, overwhelmingly, undeniably as CAMP as a row of tents.
The roles have been cast and we have a company of great actors, including a bunch of sassy teenagers with buckets of attitude and 8 juniors to melt the hardest heart with their sheer cuteness. Luckily, we have an equally massive supporting crew who will bring their expertise to music, movement, make up, costumes, props and set building, lights, sound, publicity and all the other vital components of the production. I'M IN CHARGE #whoamIkidding